Tag Archives: Life Lessons

My Depression is Not Pretty

My depression is not pretty. It is not cute, catchy, or attractive. It does not cause heads to turn, hands to clap, or lips to smile. Continue reading

Love Languages, Friendships, & Boundaries

I spend a lot of time thinking about what makes a friend, a close friend, or a best friend. While I think this thought process mostly stems from my naturally curious and fascinated mind when it comes to all things Psychology, I would be ignoring a large chunk of evidence if I did not acknowledge that some of it probably comes from my own childhood self-esteem issues. Continue reading

When You’re “A Lot”

If asked to describe me, my friends would probably tell you that I am the funny one or the loud one. They might even tell you I always have something to say or am the most sarcastic person they know. While these things are true and I am not in the least bit offended by them, I know that they come with a price, with stipulations, and with fine print.

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